Father’s Day column

Posted by Paul Anderson | Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 12:27 AM

Sorry to get around to this so late, but wanted to thank all of you who have written me very kind notes about my Father’s Day column.

It wasn’t easy to write. In fact, I choked up about halfway through writing it and when I left work that night I felt like I hadn’t done it justice. So I was pretty surprised when I got around to seeing my e-mail basket and all those notes there praising it. Props to our ME Brady Rhoades for cajoling me to write it. I sort of resisted it, but I went along with it and it seemed to have resonated with readers.

Spat with the editors

Posted by Paul Anderson | Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Last night’s “Chat with the Editors” at Newport Rib Co. went smoothly, thanks to the great folks who work there. It was the best venue yet (sorry, Skosh, but Newport Rib Co. gave us a microphone!).

About 15-20 readers attended and we had a nice little chat about a variety of issues. I’ve been joking all day that in the past two meetings it was more like Spat with the Editors (OK, it wasn’t that bad, but folks there were a bit feisty). This definitely seems more like a chat — like a backyard conversation with friends while you’re waiting for the burgers and dogs to cook on the grill.

Much of the discussion involved the rehab home issue in Newport Beach.  But we also talked about John Wayne Airport and the efforts to build a new library in Costa Mesa.

If you missed it, don’t fret (This means you, Geoff West — when are you going to come to one of our Chats?), we’ll have another one soon. Probably at Newport Rib if they’ll have us.

I don’t drink, I don’t gamble so what the heck am I doing in Vegas?

Posted by Paul Anderson | Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Whirlwind doesn’t even begin to describe this month. Got back from Chicago June 22 and went straight back to work for a few days before I jetted back out to Vegas for the weekend.

It definitely wasn’t for fun. I had some work to do.


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